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If you are looking for meticulously designed and refined heat recovery units for residential applications, as well as an ergonomic oval-section ventilation duct system with a height of only 60 mm and a flow rate of up to 75 m3/h, FLUID DESK has good news for you. The latest library of units and the complete EasyFlow duct system by Vasco is now available in our software!

When designing oval ventilation ducts with EasyFlow by Vasco, you can utilize continuous drawing features, allowing you to develop the installation model very quickly while maintaining full control over hydraulic resistance.


The installation instructions for the library can be found HERE.

In the latest library, you will find the following components:

  • Heat Recovery Ventilators: D150 COMPACT, D275 IIIE, X350E, X425E, X500E, and DX4E, DX5E, DX6E,
  • EasyFlow System components (six- or four-way distribution manifold, expanding elbows, etc.),
  • HRV duct system components (diameters 170 and 200 mm),
  • Air valves, decorative covers for round and square valves; wall and ceiling-mounted,
  • Acoustic dampers: for X350 E, X425 E, X500 E, and D275 IIIE,
  • Inlets and outlets,
  • Humidifiers and duct coolers,
  • CleanAirBox filter box for installation in duct networks,
  • Anti-smog filters and Crystall Round electrostatic filters.

Thanks to the PREMIUM Technical Support service, components from the new Vasco library, as well as other components available in FLM, can be easily exported to .ifc and .rvt formats.


Design using effective BIM software from FLUID DESK – exchange design files with architects, constructors, electricians and other industry professionals in one of the three most popular design formats on the market.


If you are a manufacturer of HVAC equipment and components and you want to add your own library of elements to FLUID DESK BIM programs, please contact us by phone +48 609 859 862 or by e-mail: info@fluid-desk.com

Check out the gallery featuring examples of projects using heat recovery units and EasyFlow solutions by Vasco:

